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could my boxer be pregnant?

18 13:27:21

QUESTION: I have just taken my 4 week pregnant boxer for a scan and when the vet felt her tummy he defo thought that she was pregnant although when he scanned her it didnt show anything. could there be pups in her rib cage as he didnt scan there. thanks

ANSWER: Hi Carla

Did you take your dog for an ultra sound or an x-ray?  And did you take it to a vet that went to school recently?   It seems to me that they would know that bones calcify after day 50, so x-rays wouldn't show, and the old ultra sound machine aren't nearly as effective as the new scans that digitally enhance the pups.

Large breed dogs can carry higher.  It's always a good idea to measure the chest and waist.  They should expand at the same rate if she's carrying.  If it's a false pregnancy, only the waist will expand.

Good luck

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: hi, i took her for a ultra sound scan. he only scanned her waist area. Although she is expanding she has put 3" round her rib cage and 2" round her waist area. She has had a creamy discharge since mating and is showing all sighns of welping. thanks

ANSWER: Hey Carla

I would be more concerned with 4 weeks of creamy discharge. That could be a sign of an infection.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: The vet wasnt concerned with the discharge thought it was one of the signs of her been in welp. the discharge isnt coloured it is a clear to pearly white colour much the same as a womans discharge.thanks

I understood that your female was breed for weeks ago, if that's the case she can't be in whelp now.  It would too early.  Do you mean the vet thought it would be caused by her pregnancy?  

A mucus discharge is typically eliminated approximately 2 weeks prior to birth.  Could your female be further along that you think?