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puppy worms

18 13:42:57

I just got a 5-week puppy -- with a bad case of worms.  What should I do?

Worms are very common ind dogs. They can lay dormant in the muscles and tissues of a female.  When they are bred the worm moves to the fetus and into the pups. All pups have worms.

If you can't determine what kind of worms I would get a dose of Drontel from your vet.  Drontel will kill everything not just one specfic type.

Most breeders just use a Strongid T, which is a liquid de-wormer for only a certain worms. BUT it must be given again after 10 days.

It's important to get rid of the worms immediately.  Also make sure you don't socialize the pup with any other dogs and clean up any stool immediately.

Don't forget to wash your hands!