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My Boxer and her pups

18 13:28:36

Hi! My female boxer had 4 puppies today and 1 was stillborn:( is it normal to have such a small litter?
  She's also been panting and shaking a lot (heavy) and its been about 9 hours since the last pup was born! Is this normal??
  Also she sometimes growls at the pups and I'm not sure why? I had to help a pup out of the sac and cut the cord because she just stopped... Is this something to be concerned about?
  If I breed her again in the future is it more likely that she will have more pups??


Hi. 4 puppies is a decent litter for a Boxer. I personally like the smaller litters myself.:-) The panting and shaking worries me. You need to get her to the vet and have a clean out shot done, and see about her calcium levels. This can be very dangerous, and may also be causing her behavior. I would get her in fast, today. Ask for a clean out shot, and tell the vet you want her calcium levels checked. Once you get this lined out, her behavior may change and she may take care of the pups. Until you get her to the vet, I wouldn't leave her alone with the pups. You may also want to get some bottles and formula just in case she decides she doesn't want anything to do with them. As for next time, I would get through this time first. If she turns out to not be a good mom, then I would rethink about breeding her. It's really hard to say how many she may have the next time. How old is she?