Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > blue silver chihuahua

blue silver chihuahua

18 13:43:20

QUESTION: What are the chances of a Blue Silver purebred female chihuahua welping a blue silver puppy? Thanks =)

ANSWER: Hi Misty

It depends on what you are breeding her to.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: to another purebred chihuahua, but its not silver?

ANSWER: It all depends on the color you are breeding too, the color of the sire and dam on both sides as well as the grandsire and dam.

If you are breeding to a brown or red, chances are slim.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: So what color od chihuahua should i breed her to? and what are the chances of her having a silver puppy? Thank you so much

You still haven't said what colors the dam/sire for generations are on either side.  

Silver is not a predominant color, you need to find out where the color gene came from.  Black or white may help produce the color.  It should be noted that she may not produce a silver pup but her off-spring could.