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whelping or not whelping, is the question

18 13:40:23

"Hi, i see you breed is BOXERS well thats what i need help with.I have a 2 and a bit year old girl who is due in 4 days, I understand that just before whelping the dams temp will drop about 1 degree C or 2 degree F. My questions is  does this drop in temp last and if so how long, if not how long do i have to catch it. Her normal temp is around 37.6C but this morning it was 36.9C so not a full degree but after being outside i took it again 3 hours later and it was 37.1C so it's not back up to norman either. She has been digging in her box for the last 2 days and hasn't eaten her normal meals either. 2 days ago she had half of her dinner and last night and this morning will not touch anything.I am so confused/exited. please help."

Hi Allison. The temp thing can be tricky. You need to take it twice a day for it work, once in the morning, and once in the evening. Usually, when the temp drops to about 98 is the indicator that whelping should start shortly. Every dog is different though, and it may only go to 99. It's a pretty dramatic drop, not just a degree or two. As for how long the drop lasts, that's kind of hard to say for sure. Again, every dog is different, and with some the drop may not last that long. Her not eating and her digging is a sign that she's getting ready. Ususally, they'll pant and dig like crazy for about 24 hours before whelping. You may need to take her in for a check up just to be on the safe side. If she has a colored discharge before the birth of the first puppy, take her straight in. It really sounds to me like she's gearing up to start labor. Good luck and if Ic an help with anything else, let me know!