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Pregnant beage feeding

18 13:27:21

Dear Denise,
    Our family has a pregnant beagle due in about one month. Our question is how much should we be feeding our dog. She weights 19.7 pounds and is 2 and a half years old.
                                 Jessie and Stephy

Hi. It depends on the dog. By this time she should be getting about double what she normally eats. However, if she doesn't eat this much, that's fine, too. She's probably wanting smaller more frequent meals during the day. Figure out how much she's eating right now and break it down into about 3-4 meals. Just follow her example. If she's not normally an overeater, then allow her to adjust her food intake. If she eats the food in her bowl with gusto and looks at you wanting more, give her a bit more. If she eat some then walks away from the bowl leaving food in it, the take the bowl up and offer it to her later. Just make sure she gets plenty of exercise. Good luck!