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whelping my female 5 lb. yorkshire terrier

18 13:48:31

I am really getting scared my Yorkshire terrier has a huge belly, and i believe she will have her pups by the end of May.  I don't know exactly what to make of this, and I want Jasmine to be ok, as well as her puppies.  The vet doesn't help to much, and i am thinking more and more about a scheduled ac-section.  What do you think?

Hi Patty,

Your vet is best able to answer your question as he can exam your female.

However that being said, you are Jasmines' guardian and have to do what you feel is right.

The male you bred with, is he larger than your female?  Have you done x-rays to determine how many pups you can expect and their approximate size? Is this her first litter? Is your female from a free-whelping lines?  And finally, does you vet think that she can whelp the pups naturally?

These are questions you need to ask and have answered before you can make an informed decision.