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mother carrying pups around

18 13:41:41

Our scottie(2years old) had 8 puppies 6 days ago.We made her a whelping box and set it up in a spare room a week before the pups where born.She staid in the box for the first two days after they where born, everything was going fine.Then she decided to carry them  in the different corner of the room, so i made a cozy bed for her there.Day later a different place.We set up a crate and covered it with blanket thinking that it may be darker for her.She did take the puppies there but this morning she was carrying one around again but finally put her back in the crate, maybe she will stay now.She is a great mother,feeding the pups all the time and taking good care of them.I just worrie that if she carries them around and puts them on the floor they might get cold and crawl around the room.Any suggestions?Thank you very much
Thank you

Hi Maris

It's common for females to carry their pups and move them to a "safer" location.  What she is looking for is a private, quiet location (in her mind) where her pups will be safe.  You want to discourage this behavior immediately because a pup can become injured (dislocated hips, puncture) or worse.  

What I would suggest is put a cage around the whelping box. A wire pen will work, cardboard "walls" or anything to keep her in.

Good luck.