Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > pekingese


18 13:29:54


I am looking for advice concerning a Pekingese. He is an 8 month old puppy and been given a clean bill of health from the vets, however after a walk he looses the control of his legs. After a short break he is fine but it's very distressing. I had a smaller Peke for 12 years and he had no problem with a short walk.

Also we just purchased a 12week old bitch Peke for company for our dog, at the moment we are having to separate them as the male wants to be more then just friends, will neutering him remove this urge.

Thanks Nikki

ANSWER: Hi Nicola

Did the vets do x-rays or blood work?

It's not common for a pup or dog to lose control of his back legs, without there being a serious problem.

What he is doing is dominating the female.  He has to learn to live peaceful with the female.  Give him a little shake or use a pop can filled with gravel.  Shake it at him and tell him no when he starts to dominate her.  If that doesn't help try lobbing it at him.  The noise will startle him enough to make him stop.

Neutering him will make him easier to live with.

Good luck

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I read about a condition "Intervertebral Disc Disease" which affects Pekingese and matches his symptoms. I was just wondering if a dog with this condition can lead a relatively normal life. I have had a dog with chronic health problems before it was heart breaking.

Thanks Nicola

You definitely don't want to breed him. And I would contact the breeder you purchased from and let them know that they carry this in their lines and should have their dogs tested and removed from a breeding program.  A reputable breeder will replace him although I would reconsider purchasing another from these lines.

You can have surgery done to repair this as it has a  high rate (95%) of recovery.  Otherwise he's looking at a lifetime of chronic pain and discomfort.

Good luck