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my cocker spaniel

18 13:31:13

Our cocker spaniel delivered her fifth pup about an hour ago and we havent seen any signs of another or the placenta. It seems like she wants to take a nap. Should we be concerned yet and head to the vet or is there something we can do to help her?

Hi Clay.  If she acts like she wants to take a nap, then she probably isn't in pain.  I would let her rest, for now, and keep a close eye on her.  Puppies can sometime be born a couple of hours apart.  

If she is finished delivering, and you do not find the last placenta, then I suggest that you might need to take her to the vet for a check up.  However, sometimes the placenta can be passed outside, while the mother is going potty, and you may not know it.  If this has happened, and she ate the placenta, then it will be hard to tell.

Good luck, and please do not hesitate to contact me if you have further questions.  Oh, by the way - Congrats on the 5 new puppies!

Penny DiLoreto