Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > Mastitis


18 11:55:03

I have a six year old great Dane that is pregnant im new at the breeding process and im sad to say that she had mastitis with her last litter and some of her puppies did not make it.  my question for you is since she had mastitis with her last litter will she have it with this one also and if so could i treat her before hand with antibiotics before she shows any signs of the infection?  


Hi Nikki

I wouldn't start her on antibiotics prior to whelping in case she doesn't get it. Antibiotics will affect the pups.

Watching for mastitis is as simple as touching her teats to see if they are hot or hard.  If that is the case, then use warm compresses on them until they release or stand her in a tub of warm water.  

Good luck.