Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > Shivering


18 13:42:05


My dog had 3 puppies 3 weeks ago.  We lost one @ 2 weeks and I'm scared to loose another.  Now I noticed one of the remaining pups is shivering alot and its actually warmer today outside than its been since they were born.  I've had a heating pad on them since they were born but have only been turning it on when it gets pretty cold outside so I dont understand>  What Can this be?  By the way, they are in my laundry room inside my house.

Hi Angelica. Hypoglycemia can cause shivering. A drop of glucose solution on the tongue once an hour can help with this. If it gets too bad, he'll need injections if this is what's wrong. My best advice would be to take the pups to the vet for a check up just to be safe. Good luck!