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thin mum after giving birth to 10 puppies

18 13:27:52

my lab gave birth to 10 pups, although only 8 survived. pups are now 40 days old and eating on their own, and i have taken mother away from them. she is very skinny, can see her bones!! she is eating Excellent by purina, 3 times a day, but does not go up in weight. what can I do??

Hi. She should start gaining soon. If you haven't yet, I would worm mom and pups. This may help her. It takes a while for mom to get back into shape. After her milk dries up, and she's wormed, she should start putting the pounds back on. If she doesn't, I'd get her to the vet. You could try putting some broth or cottage cheese over her food to intice her to eat. Up her food intake for just a bit, once she gets back to normal, adjust her food back to where she was before puppies. Good luck!