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Beagle in labor

18 13:49:11

My nieces beagle is having labor problems. She called me in a panic because it looked like a "bubble" coming out of the dog. I explained what that was to her and walked her through what to expect. (I've recently helped deliver 5 precious little boys to our brittany spaniel, and have delivered 4 children of my own, so I am pretty confident in handling crisis situations concerning labor.) She called me again just a little while ago and said that the "bubble" popped, but no pups yet.  It's been about 2 hours since her first call. We can't find a vet that's available right now, is there anything I can do. I'm going to go over and give her a hand, but I wanted to ask an expert. I'll be waiting on your response before I go and can answer any additional questions immediately. Thanks so much. Deanna

Hi Deanna

The bag of water (the bubble) is a signal that there is a puppy in the birth canal. Although this is a sign of distress in humans, in canine's it's completely normal.   

Get the female up and walking a bit. If a vets not available to give you  oxytocin or calsorb to assist with contractions. Then vanilla ice cream will work.  Let her have a nice bowl of ice cream, it will keep her busy, be a nice treat AND give her the benefit of calcium.  

Don't panic yet, stay calm and have your niece make tea, (for you and to keep her busy).

Good luck.