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stud my English Bulldog

18 13:43:52

My daughter has an English Bulldog. He is 1 year old and he is the sweetest, beautiful Bulldog. The dog seems to need a girl friend since he likes to hump a lot and is really into it. My daughter doesn't want him to be neutered. He is a pure breed and I suggested that he might be able to be used to stud. Every where we go kids, grown ups come to him and are telling us they want a similar dog. When we go to the beach or dog park, he is very friendly with other dogs and also with our little Yorkie. Any suggesting to what we should do or how it works if he will be used to stud?


HI Tamara. He doesn't need a girlfriend. This is normal behavior for an intact male at his age. Sometimes it's a dominance thing. He may be hitting puberty, so to speak, and that may be why he's doing it. The only really way to stop it if that's the case, is to have him neutered. I'm going to say something here, and I hope you don't take it the wrong way: just because a dog is a purebred, doesn't mean it should be bred. First of all, check out the English Bulldog standard. Look at pictures of winning top quality dogs. How does he stand next to them? Is he a good specimen of his breed? What are his faults? You don't  want to breed him to a female with the same faults that he has. Have his health tests done before you even think about breeding. Every breed has it's own genetic diseases. Have him cleared of any major ones beforehand. In your breed, because of the way they're made, AI is pretty common. Will you offer that service to bitch owners? You need to do some digging into his pedigree and find out what's behind him. And everyone says that when they see a pretty or unusual dog. Everyone wants one. That's what gets a lot of people into trouble. People say I want one, so they breed their dog, and then when the time comes, the people who were so enthusiastic about getting a puppy, now doesn't even remember it, or decided that they just can't have one right now. The right reason to breed is to better the breed. Or to atleast try to.

There's a lot that goes into owning a stud dog. Make sure you get everything written down in a contract. It will save you a lot of headaches. Will you take pick of the litter for a stud fee, or want money instead. If you choose pick of the litter, what if there's only one surviving puppy? Will you then offer a free return stud appointment? And let me tell you, as a stud owner, any problems that the puppies have, will be blamed on good old dad. People tend to forget that the pups have a mother, but it could never be her fault. After all, she's so perfect and everything. :-) lol Seriously, you won't believe what will be blamed on your dog. It's crazy. I can't tell you what you should. It's your dog and your choice on how you want to handle the business side of this. It's whatever you're comfortable with. But whatever you do, get it in writing! If I can help with anything else, just let me know.