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Maltese puppies about to born!

18 13:27:29

QUESTION: Hello! Nina, my 2 yr old Maltese, is today in her day #62, counting from the last day of mating. The vet took her temperature yesterday morning and it was 38.5 Celsius (101.3 degrees F), then I took it this afternoon and it was 38 degrees celsius (100.4 F), and last time was 3hrs ago and it was 37.4 celsius (99.32 F). How long you think it will take until she actually starts giving birth, or her water breaks??

She's been normal all day, not very active, but normal, she ate a bit and is drinking water. I also gave her NutriPlus gel as diet supplement at noon. Around half hour ago she started liking her vulva constantly, then she started like digging in her bed, and then she left the bed, and is lying around in the floor, constantly changing places. Are all these signs that she will start labor soon?  Once again, how long you think it will take until she actually starts giving birth, or her water breaks?

ANSWER: Hi. It sounds like your dog is getting ready to start. It's hard to say exactly when, but I'd say within a day or so she should start things up. This part can last for awhile, and the digging and panting can last up to 24 hours before a pup is born. Good luck!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you for your help. However Nina still haven't delivered. Today it is day #64 of pregnancy and I started to be worry.  She is still a bit active, is eating and behaving normal.

I just called the doctor and he suggested to induce birth with Prostaglandin. I made a quick research on this and basically says that prostaglandin promotes uterine muscle contractions that makes dogs.

Is this procedure safe? Recommended? Healthy? How good or bad is it for my dog Nina and for the puppies?

What should I do? Please helP!!

Hi. I'll be honest, I've never heard of a vet wanting to induce labor, they usually want a c-section. You say she's acting fine, then I would give her a few days before doing anything. Dogs can go to day 65, though some can go even longer. It really depends on when they actually became pregnant. Just because a dog was bred on a certain day doesn't mean they became pregnant on that day, it may have taken a few days for her eggs to have been fertilized. As long as she's doing good, and you can feel the pups, and there is no colored discharge, I would give her another day or two before I started worrying.