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Sheltie Breeding

18 13:40:55

Hello Joyce.  I have a 6 year old Female Sheltie.  We have tried to breed her naturally in the past.  Yes she has been to a vet.  Anyway, the natural way has not worked as they have not been able to lock.  So, Around March 10th we did insemination, we did it three times over a weeks period.  Prior to this she was in her heat cycle.  We started the insemination about 10 days into the cycle, her spotting had stopped from what we could tell.  Anyway, as of today I am not seeing much of a change in her.  I am told with Shelties it is hard to know if they are pregnant until just days before they give birth.  Is this accurate?  If we miss the breeder is willing to do it again in 6 months, how should we go about doing it differently?

Hi Craig

It's hard to tell because of their coats.  Measure her waist and chest and keep track that way.  They should both expand.

It could be that she's ovulating early or later than most.  So what I would do in that situation is have progesterone test done.  This will let you know when she's ovulating.  The alternative is to have a vet inject the semen right into her horn -- it's a surgical procedure. But if at 6 she's the perfect Sheltie and her lines would benefit the breed, it may be worth the expense.

Good luck.