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My Pitbull is at 63 days

18 13:32:22

My Pit bull is 63 days along and is breathing heavy her temperature has been 99 degrees or below since around 11pm last night and her temp a few minutes ago was 98.9.  She is breathing fast and heavy and just let out a moan when turning over. We built her a whelping area and she doesn't seem to want to relax in there with out my husband and/or myself lying in there with her.  Do you think she is close to delivery or does it sound like we have a while to go?

Hello Angela:

It's very difficult to say if she's merely experiencing pre-labor discomfort or full-on labor. Have you seen her water break? Can you see any obvious contractions? Normally along with the panting a dog nearing labor will shiver, pace, be extremely restless, refuse food & sometimes vomit. More than likely there's still a ways to go but I'd keep a very close eye on her if I were you. If the pups are over-sized, for example, she may be unable to deliver them vaginally & would need an emergency C-section. Not all dogs follow the temperature rule plus it will rise again after falling so it can be tricky to catch. Sometimes a walk while on leash will help things along but be sure to watch her carefully lest she begin delivering outside.