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how meny times can a staff fall pregnant

18 13:45:22

my staff has already had 2 litters and is now pregnant again she is also 10yrs old will this be safe for her to give birth to another lot of puppies ?

Well, it's not really about how many litters she's had so far. i would worry more about her age right now. I'd take her in to the vet, make sure she was in excellent health, and then decide together with you vet, what would the best thing be for your girl. Your vet may decide that it may be better to just let her have the puppies, or tell you it's best to have her spayed. Both pose a problem because of her age. On one hand, you have her going through the motions of whelping and producing milk. On the other, having her spayed may be risky. I honestly don't know which to advise you on. My best advice would be to take her to your vet, and see what he thinks. He knows her best, and knows her history and health. You will have to sit down with him and pick the lesser of the two evils. I'm truly sorry I couldn't help you with this. I hope that everything works out for you and your girl.