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Why is my new mum panting

18 13:42:07

my border terrier had puppies last thursday(21st feb). She had to have and emergency c section. She lost three and three survived. She is feeding pups and washing them but is not contented as they say dogs should be. On saturday night I was up all night with her panting and digging the carpet. She settled down about 6 in the morning and seemed fine until last night same again.She also keeps taking her ball into the whelping box and some other toys as if for comfort. She is eating ok and i am giving her milk formula too. Help I am worried.

Sounds like she is having uterine contractions. Check her temp, and the color of her discharge. If her discharge appears nasty, or she has a temp over 101 call your vet. She could have an infection or a calcium issue. Be sure you're giving her some cottage cheese or plain yogurt every day to help with calcim, and LOTS of water