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possible false pregnancy in boxer

18 13:46:43

I bred my boxer on the 4th and 5th of june. She has had signs of being pregnant. she's laying aroud alot has had slight discharge even has milk. Now if i did my calculations right shouldn't she of delivered by now or is there still a time left for her to deliver? If she should of delivered then i know its a false pregnancy. I felt around for pups but with her being so big its hard to feel anything her temp always stay at 100.2. So did I do my calculations right or am i off?

She should have already whelped. However, she may not have taken on those days, as sperm can live inside the female for about 7 days. It's really hard to say, I'd suggest that you take her to your vet, or find a good breeder that can feel for the pups. It's kind of hard to feel with a Boxer, as most carry their pups up high for most of the pregnancy. The only way that you'll know for sure is if you take her to the vet. My honest opinion though is if she's went this long without producing any pups, then you're most likely looking at a false pregnancy. Just keep an eye out for discharge, and make sure her breasts don't get infected.