Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > large litter

large litter

18 11:59:44

my dog just had a litter of 12 and im afraid that she may not be feeding all of them is it ok to bottle feed two of them to help out that way they are all getting food

Hi Stephanie

Instead of bottle feeding, what you should try is rotating the pups.  Do 6 on 6 off.  Use a small box to keep the ones that are off in. Some place warm and away from the dam (if they squeek she may get up to have a look).

Rotating hourly feedings gives each pup a chance at the good stuff and allows the mother an opportunity to clean and check each pup out.

Rotate them all day long, and leave the entire litter with the dam over night.  And repeat the next day, you may have to do this for a few weeks.

Good luck