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dog breeding and taking to the tie

18 13:49:02

QUESTION: I have a maltess/pom designer breed who is 1 1/2yr old in her second heat. I searched for a long time before buying her because I wanted the perfect dog to breed. She started bleeding 3/4/2007 and I breed her with a well knowned champion bloodline 2 pound long hair chihuahua on the 8th and 9th took her back on the 10th but he was not interested. This little 2 pound cutie is a stud dog. Well I took her back on the 15th and they tied again so I brought her back the next day and he again was not interested. I do have a 6yr old yorkie at home which is not a stud dog but a family pet who around the 17th seemed very interested in the maltess/pom who was still bleeding. So I took her back and the stud chihuahuas breed her agian. I think maybe she had went into extented heat due to having a male dog in the house. I have heard between the 5-9 days of heat cycle(estrus) is most fertile but than I dont understand why he would of breed her on the 15th and the 22nd, just for fun?
She did stop finally bleeding on the 24th day of March. She did stand on all days we breed and was flagging. Just wondering which day may have took. Should I just count 30 days from the 8th and have her checked if nothing check again from maybe taking on the other days? She does have 8 nipples does this mean she could have upto 8 pups.

Your female is most fertile when she ovulates and that's the day she took. That could be the beginning of her heat or the middle or the end. Each female is different.  So if your stud took to her on the 15th she may have been within days of ovulating and on the 22nd she could have already ovulated, so again the male would be interested.

With regards to the standing and flagging,  again, each female is different.  We have a female that will stand, flag and allow penetration when she starts her heat but does not ovulated until day 19 - 21.  

The best and most accurate way to tell when your female is at her peak is to do either ovulation or progesterone testing.  That way you'll know for yourself and won't waste time,energy and get stressed about when to breed. It's painless and easy tests to do and the peace of mind is invaluable.

You can have her taken for x-rays anytime after the 45th day, I would go closer to the 50th as she is a smaller breed.

All dog have 8 - 10 nipples (depending on their size) they come standard.  The number of pups is in relation to the number of eggs she releases.

Good luck!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks so much, I was wondering if it is possible that she could have got pregnant on the first 2 times of breeding on the 8th and 9th? Since she was standing for the male then could she have been fertile and have eggs ready?

Anything is possible.  However, the only sure fire way to tell if she was ovulating is through the testing I mentioned and that is done at the time of ovulating. Now it's a wait and see for you.  

If by chance you missed it this time, talk to your vet about performing these simple blood test for you during her next heat.  Typically a female will ovulate the same each heat -- saves on the guess work for any future breedings you might have planned.

Good luck.