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Poodle not wanting to clean puppies

18 13:44:44

Hi, My 2 and half year old miniature poodle Lucy had 4 puppies on Oct. 8th.(1st litter) She cleaned them up very well the first couple days but now she is slacking off and they are getting messy!  She will clean the 2 females but not the males!?  I have tried to help her by holding puppies up to her but she has no interest in cleaning their bottoms but will clean their up their urine.  Any advice will help as I know they are too young to bathe.  Also, what kind of heating pad are people talking aboout using under whelping box. Thanks.

You can take a wet paper towel, and rub their private areas. This will cause them to do their buisness, and keep them clean at the same time. You can also take a warm wash cloth and clean them off. It's very important that newborn puppies are kept clean. As for the heating pad, you can use on that you buy from a store. Just keep an eye out and make sure it doesn't get too hot. I personally don't care for heating pads, I'm always too afraid of what may happen if they get wet. There are some that you can buy in dog catalogs that are suppose to be really good. I like to use 2 liter bottles filed with warm water, covered with a towel. This way, the puppies can huddle close to it, or move away from it easily when they get too hot.