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My female in heat

18 13:41:10

QUESTION: I need help in breeding my maltese,she is on her 10th day of heat and yesterday with my male ,they didn't make a tie,his private was ejected,I wonder if I had missed it.if they do make a tie they are suppose to end up back to back,how long does that last,would he be able to get out and his private still extended? .How can I get them to do it right as her right date to breed is 11th day to the 14th Day
Thank you


You can hold the female on your lap and guide the male in. Hold them together until a tie occurs.

If it's day 10 you still have a week to play with until they get it right.

Good luck.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: if they make a tie,would my male be able to pull away while his penis is still extended?
Yesterday while still early for my female to breed when he was extended,he just stood for a good 5 mins,after that he cleaned it very well till his penis went back in.

My female is 2 and he is 3 yrs old,I think the problem with my female sis that on her second heat this also happened when his penis was out ,so while he is mounting her,she starts to look to see if she'd see it again,and yesterday was so cute,while he just stood there,she gave him many kisses,it was so adorable
This is her 3rd heat,the first two heats I let him mount her if she would stand only before her danger days,I made sure she wouldn't get pregnant before 2 yrs old,her seasons were all late,her 1st was 10 months old,her second a 1.5 yrs old

A tie is like a lock.  He can't go anywhere.  It's nature's way of ensure that his sperm makes it to intended target.  Some males take longer to retract then others.  But you want to ensure that he isn't outside or in the dirt.  When he's unsheathed, he has a greater chance of getting infection.