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mom of eight

18 13:30:53

our husky had 8 puppies about 3 weeks ago. now she wont come inside to much to feed. she will come in and stay about 10 minutes but will go right back out and stay for hours. she even stays gone all night. she does not like to be in a house. she we start feeding the puppies a supplement to help out. they just opened their eyes up too.she just don't wont to be near them too long.

Hi Trish

That's typical for the breed.

Three weeks is old enough to get the pups started on a good quality kibble soaked in a warm beef broth and supplemented with vitamins and oils.  With a Husky I would choose a fish based dog food. No dairy products.

As long as the pups can get two or three feedings a day along with the kibble, that may be enough.