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Breeding Boxers Female

18 13:44:47

It was stated that best time to breed was 11th thru 14th, does this mean 11th - 14th day of the month or cycle days?  What signs or how do we know if dog is pregnant other than having x-rays?

Hi Sally:

On average, a female will enter into the estrus (fertile) portion of her cycle around day 9 or 10 from the initial onset of the heat cycle. When in estrus, the female's vaginal discharge will usually become lighter in flow & color, becoming more of a light pink to straw color. This is the only time when she will allow mating to occur & will encourage the male by flagging & flirting, standing with her rear toward him, etc. It lasts around 5 to 7 days but varies from dog to dog. It's best to try to breed every other day once she's in estrus so that the male's sperm will be of high quality & potency. If you achieve at least two to three successful matings, usually with ties, chances are she'll be pregnant unless there's an unknown health or reproductive issue with either her or the stud. Some of the early signs of pregnancy are increased urination, which usually occurs when actual conception occurs and within a few weeks her teats will usually begin to become more prominent & darker in color. An experienced vet or breeder can usually palpate the abdomen around three to four weeks & detect fetal sacs & an ultrasound can detect fetal heartbeats as early as 25 days gestation. Also she may experience a distinct change in behavior, becoming very clingy & seeking more attention from you than usual. She may also begin to exhibit nesting behavior, where she'll try out different locations & dig, as if making a den. This will become more pronounced & frequent as her pregnancy progresses. At 50+ days gestation, an Xray can detect fetal skeletons & it's a wise idea to do this so that you'll have a fairly good idea of how many puppies to expect in the litter. I'm including some links on pregnancy & signs which you should find helpful. Good luck!