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Chihuahua Puppy

18 13:31:18

Hi, I have a question about my most recent litter of chihuahuas. I will be taking this puppy into the vet first thing in the morning if he makes it through the night. Hopefully you can get back to me before then just to I can have some ideas as to what is going on. This puppy's first problem was that he was born 5 hours after the puppy before him. I was sure that her whelping had finished (I am always correct about this, but this time I was way off). He was born, and his color was a little off but I was able to bring him back, and after that he seemed to be fine. Over the next day or two he wasn't thriving quite as much as his littermates, and was losing weight and seemed dehydrated. Since then I have been bottle feeding him on a calorie rich formula, and rehydrating him. He had actually gained a couple grams this morning, but then I noticed that one of his eyes was a little swollen. Just now I came up to feed him again, and the eye is much worse. It seems like there is quite a bit of swelling, and it can't seem to escape through the eyelid. I don't dare try to open it, so I was wondering if you have any suggestions before tomorrow morning. The puppy is 5 days old today. Thank you so much for your time!

Hi Taryn

You must be aware that pups eyes don't open for 10 plus days.  It's never a good idea to try and pry it open.

Best to flush it with a warm cloth, check for scratches or infection.  If you have polysporin ear and eye drops, you can give a couple of drops.