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Bring my dog into heat

18 13:44:52

I have heard there is a hormone that you can give your dog to bring her into heat.  I would like to know if there is and what the correct dossage would be for a healthy english pointer 48.9 lbs 5 yrs old.  She has had 2 liters perfectly healthy.  She missed her Cycle this time and I did take her to the vet to be checked out she was given a clear bill of health.  I didn't however ask about the hormone to help bring her in to her cycle because I wasn't aware there was one until after I took her.

Have you had her checked for hypothyroidism? This can cause a dog to delay a cycle. There's a reason that she hasn't cycled as normal. There is a hormonal therapy that can cause a dog to go into heat. However, the first cycle may not be fertile, and you may have to wait until the next cycle anyway. This is something that you have to discuss with your vet, and he's the one that has to administer it. Great thought and care should be given before you decide to do this. Like I said, there's a reason that a previously normal bitch has skipped a cycle. I would look into that more before I try the hormones. Have her thyroid checked. Other things that can cause a delayed cycle are: hyperadrenocorticism, hypoadrenocorticism, diabetes mellitus, just to name a few. Good luck, and sorry I couldn't be of more help!