Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > Coccidia


18 13:28:24

I breed Yorkies, I am licensed. I quit my job to breed full-time and I try to do everything right.
I think several of my dogs have coccidia, they have sticky diahearra, which just started, and I will take a stool sample to the vet tomorrow.  I have not changed their diet. The only change is that they started going outside now that the weather is warm.
What I don't understand is that I lime my yard, keep my dogs bathed 1x a week, pick up their poop several times a day, keep the mother & pups separate, & constantly clean all areas with chlorax clean up, change their bedding daily. How then do they come down with this? Is there anything else I can do to prevent this from happening? Any other product I should be using?
Is there anyway to buy albon in quantity and have it available?
These dogs are used for breeding but they are also my pets that I love so very much.
I have 4 week old pups, just weaned doing fine. I have 1 week old pups doing fine, but the mother has watery stools.
I have 2 females with coccidia, and 2 males with coccidia. Should I give all of dogs albon just to be sure? Can I give it to a pregnant mother? Will her week old pups get it?
With all these dogs it's going to cost me a fortune to take them all to the vet, but I don't want to lose even one of them.
I just don't understand how this happens. Please help!?!

HI. Coccidia is super contagious. You can bring it in on yourself, a bird can poop in your yard, your dog walks through it, licks his paw, now has coccidia. Super easy to catch. Bleach works best, but there are a few products in dog catalogs that is suppose to be effective against coccidia. The thing is, when you get it on your property, you may never completely get rid of it. You just have to keep everything as clean as possible. You can buy Albon in large quantities, look in some of the dog catalogs. However, before you use any Albon, talk to your vet to make sure you know how to dose correctly. Coccidia usually effects the very young, the very old, or the ill. I wouldn't use Albon on the dogs unless they have coccidia, they could build an immunity to Albon. I also definitely wouldn't give it to a pregnant dog, or 1 week old pups. Her pups most likely will get it if she has it, but I wouldn't treat the pups until they are about 6-7 weeks old, a few weeks before they go to their new home. Usually, with pups, when they start with this, they'll not eat, get lathargic, then they'll start to vomit and have diarrhea. If you notice a puppy go off his feed, act fast. The sooner you treat them when they start to show signs, the easier it will be to keep them from going down fast. You'll also want to ask your vet for something to stop the vomiting, they can't get better if they vomit the Albon back up. Good luck, and if I can help with anything else, let me know.