Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > Coat texture changed after having a litter of puppies

Coat texture changed after having a litter of puppies

18 13:27:34

Hi, I have a 5 yr old Japanese Spitz Bitch who recently had a litter of puppies.  The puppies are now 18 mths old and I have noticed her coat has grown back in with a slight curl and its all the same length.  The coat is very soft like cotton wool.  Japanese Spitz should have a short dense under coat and a longer over coat.  Looks like her longer coat has never grown back in.  Have you come across similar cases as this in other breeds of dogs after a litter?  Also, could this be hormone related?  She has put weight on since having the puppies and I can't seem to take it off even using low fat dry food and veg.  She is not very active in the house.  She weighs around 9.5kg.  For a Jap Spitz bitch I know she is over weight by 1.5Kg.  Any advice would be most appreciated.

Hi Paula

It is common in females, regardless of the breed, that after whelping, and they lose their coat, that the new coat is a different color and texture.  Similar to young blond baby boys who after their first hair cut lose their curls and color.    Supplements of fish oil added to her diet will help restore her coat.

The very best form of weight loss and management is exercise.  She needs more of it.  That means more walks for both of you.

Good luck