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excessive panting an hot breast after birth

18 13:27:44

pups r 4wks shes got excessive panting an very hot breast dry nose an running some.shes eating an drinking using the bathroom, very concerned on panting even shacks the bed. pups r growing an healthy, her 1st litter an 6 yrs old

Hi Chasity

If her breast are hot and hard, she may be developing mastitis.

You can ease that by putting her in a bathtub full of warm water.  The water has to completely cover her teats.  You can gently massage them to get the milk out.

Where are the placenta's and afterbirth's accounted for?  That can cause an infection.  I may even consider taking her to the vet for a shot of oxytocin to clean out her insides and a low dose of penicillin.

Good luck