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Shih Tzu-64 days gestation

18 13:31:16

Hi,  I am hoping you can help me with this.  I bred my 3 year old Shih Tzu 7 times over 7 days with the first mating taking place 64 days ago.  She is a little bigger in the tummy but not much, her vulva has remained swollen and her last two teets closest to her rear are somewhat larger.  Do you think she is pregnant?  She is panting some tonight which she hasn't done before.  Please help-I am at a loss...

Hi Angie.  Panting can be a sign of labor.  I suggest that you put her in a room that is out of the way of traffic.  I also suggest that you take her temp.  If it's below 100 she might be in labor, or very close to it.

If you need any additional help, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Penny DiLoreto