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Breeding Shih Tzus

18 13:30:59

Hello, I asked a person named Labman from allexperts the same question and he was VERY rude and basically said that I didn't need to breed dogs If I didnt know what this meant and he didn't even answer my question.

I have a male and female shih tzu. This is NOT my first time breeding dogs. I'm a responsible breeder. I have a question about something I've never seen before. I searched all over the Internet for the answer but was unable to find ANYTHING about it. So this is my last resort. Here's my question...

My female is in heat and accepting my male. they have "tied" 3 different times over a period of 3 days. Everytime they get unstuck, a big puddle of semen pours out. I've never seen this happen before or heard anything about it. Please tell me what this means.

Hi Dana

Is this your females first breeding?  Has she whelped a litter before?  What is her age?  Is the male a proven breeder?

If your female has a blockage, it makes it difficult to keep the semen into her HOWEVER, it makes it almost impossible for her to whelp pups.  You can perform an internal. If you insert a clean finger (gloved is best) into her and if you meet resistance, that is a problem.   

What do you consider big puddle and pouring.  I only ask because a female can expel some of the semen and it's common for some leakage.  

However, if your female has a infection it could explain the problem.  But infection is the kiss of death for pups.

I would recommend doing the internal, or have your vet do it for you, check to ensure that your female is able to whelp naturally (if she hasn't already).