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My chow chow

18 13:48:07

Hi Joyce, my dog, the female in heat, and my brother-in-law's dog, the male, went "into the position." My question is, how old is too old for dogs to become pregnant?
It's just, I don't need any more puppies. My other female dog, was mounted, and delivered 3 live puppies, and a still born, she is still only a baby though. I didn't think anything of the fact that Chloe, the chow chow, was in heat. Plus, I guess I figured that with another mother in the house he would back off. I know that only the dominate female and male can conceive in a pack, but could Chloe be trying to gain back her dominance?

Sorry for all of the jibber-jabber,
Thanks, Cory.

Hi Cory

A female can become pregnant as young as 6 months -- and a male can produce viable semen as young as 3 and 4 months.   However just because they CAN -- doesn't mean they SHOULD.

You are mistaken if you think that in a domestic pack only the alpha can breed.  ALL the females in heat will be bred by however many males you are running and have access to her.