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Is my bitch ready to breed?

18 11:55:19

She is 10 months old, she has her male by her side but seems like she does not want him to mount on her.  The male is definately ready but he seems scared and backs off when she barks at him.  This is her second heat cycle, her first heat cycle was 3 months ago.  This is her second cycle on her 7th day of bleeding. Is it too late for her to mate or what?

Hi Lucy

I'm of the opinion that 10 months old is too young to breed.  The female will not have developed either mentally or physically.

Typically females go into heat every 6 months, so there is the possible that she's in a split heat or false heat.

Breeding usually commenses between days 9 and 15. But pregnancy occurs when the eggs get fertilized.

Good luck