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shitzu in labor

18 13:26:50

i have a 17 month old shitzu and my yorkie breed her according to the time i caught them she would be due around 7th or 17th he got her several times last date due being the 17th. she is having a sticky mucus discharge and she is following me around constantly...she tried to make a bed in the closet which she never does,,,,could she be in labor. i made her a whelping box she laid in it for about 15 minutes then got back under my chair.,,she is acting very strange her nipples are huge and her privates are swollen she lays around constantly sleeps on her back or lays on her stomach with feet stretched out in front and behind her. she has always sleep curled up in a ball or on her side.

Hi Norma

What she's doing is nesting.  She needs a whelping box where she can safely and quietly whelp her litter.  A whelping box can be just an area where she has old towels and sheets and can dig around and make a nest.  You want something that she can't escape out of, or you will find puppies in the closet!

The mucus discharge is normal and can start leaking up to 10 days prior to whelp.  

Good luck!