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puppies getting enough milk

18 13:33:02

My puppies are now 6 days ols i was wondering how do i know if my shih tzu is making enough milk.  When i have seen the puppies nurse i noticed it takes about 2 min. of tugging on her before they actually start to drink.  Is that normal and then when they drink it seenm like its for about a minute and they start tugging again.  Any ideas?  or is this all normal?  How long or how many times should they be nursing a day?  she had 4 puppies?   thanks  Sindy

Hi. Sorry for the delay in getting back to you, I had a computr glitch. If the pups are growing and have full bellies, then mom has enough milk. They pull on the nipple to help bring down the milk, and encourage milk production. A happy full puppy is quiet and content. After they nurse, their bellies should be round and they will go to sleep. If they're not getting enough milk, they'll crawl around and cry, and their bellies will be flat. As for how often they should nurse, it'll seem like they're nursing all day and night. Usually though, they need to eat every 2-3 hours at this age.