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Found female pitbull

18 13:44:59

I recently found a pregnant female pitbull appox. 4 weeks pregnant. She has a discharge coming out of her and was wondering if this is normal. Might be pregnant from a husky. Will the birth of the puppies hurt her in any way and what is the discharge? Thank you!

Hi Ryan. If she is having a colored discharge of any kind, get her to the vet. That's not normal. If it looks like tomato soup, get her to the vet now. Any colored discharge before the birth of the first puppy is not normal. It could a puppy died, or that she is trying to have an abortion. If it looks like tomato soup, then it could be pyrometra. It's a very serious infection that if not taken care of immediately, the dog could die. If you take her to the vet, and everything's ok, and keep her in good shape, feed a good quality food, then she should be just fine during whelping.