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girl dog in heat fixed boy acting wierd

18 13:49:07

Our seven year old girl dog is in heat. Our year old boy dog is fixed but acting strange around her. They are displaying and he is biting her neck. I have not seen him mount her but the affection and play between them is markedly different than it was a week ago. Do I need to keep them separated when I am not at home ? Can they still try to have sex? Help Lisa

Hi Lisa

Depending on what procedure your vet used to alter your male, your male may still have his urges.

Castration is when both testicles are removed.  A male that is castrated before puberty usually does not develop sexual urges.

With a bilateral vasectomy, the right and left vas deferns are removed.  These are the tubes that the sperm travel in from the testies to the urethra.   This operation does not disturb hormone function.  Vasectomized dogs have normal sexual responses, can breed and mate but are not fertile.

You may want to separate them when you're not home just because they can become more rambunctious.