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First season

18 13:42:47

Hi - i have a cross breed bitch whos age is not exact - i live in Tunisia and bought her from a guy on the beach. I have never had a dog before but she has been a dream (almost!) I think she has come into her first season - she is swollen around her urethra and has a tiny bloody discharge (very slight) she licks herself alot but is in very good normal spirits. My question is though - do i need to do anything for her. I believe she is 6/7 months old so i was not expecting this yet, also when will it happen again. Many thanks

Hi Simon

Lock her in the closet.  And if that won't work, that's frowned upon by some :), keep all the males that WILL come calling away.   

A season starts with the swelling of the vulva, then the bloody discharge, but it's after the bleeding that she is prime breeding material.  

A heat starts the first time between 6 and 9 months, so she's right on track.  Then every 6 months.  If you have no plans to have her bred, I would wait a month and take her in to be spayed.

Good luck.