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whelping papillion pups

18 13:29:35

My female Pap has had 2 successful litters and is now in the stage where she has begun panting and nesting actively.
How long does this stage last? Also, the mom needed injections to begin active last-stage labor. How long should I let her go before deciding whether she should get injection this time? She's very healthy and a great mom...

Hi Lucille

2 successful litters how long apart?  

Panting and nesting can begin 2 or 3 days prior to whelp.  

Do I understand that she was given Oxytocin to assist with whelp or was it HER dam?  

You don't want to give her Oxy until you are certain she's well into her labor.  If she's pushing without success.   Oxy causes sever contractions and the placenta to detach from the uterine wall. So you don't want to use it too early or give her too much.

Good luck.