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jack russel pregnancy

18 13:38:30

hi i have a jack russel x and she was unfortunatly caught (my sister in law let her out) my query is she was caught by a alsation x rotweiler how likely is she to have problems during the birth of this litter? she previously has had a litter of 6 with no complications - although this was with another jack russel      she was due to be spayed just before she was caught - how long after giving birth can she now be spayed
any help is appreciated

Hi Wendy. I would be worried a tad bit because of the size differences. Don't let her get fat, and make sure she gets plenty of exercise. You can have an x-ray done at day 50 to see about how many there are, and if there are any really big ones. I would wait until the pups are weaned, and she has plenty of time to heal before having her spayed, at least 6-8 weeks after the birth. You can talk to your vet and find out what he'll do it, as some will make you wait so long before spaying the dog. Good luck!