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Pregnant Maltese

18 13:43:55

My maltese is due to whelp any day but her milk hasn't come in and I've heard that they're supposed to have some sign of let down by now. Also, is it more "abnormal" for dogs to NOT need human assistance during whelping. I always thought that dogs "naturally" delivered and cared for the newborn pups without human intervention.

Some dogs won't get their milk in until they actually whelp. It just depends on the dog. It's not 'abnormal' for a dog to not need help whelping. It's always best to be on stand by just in case something does go wrong. You never know. A puppy could be too big to be born naturally, a puppy can die in utero, and cause labor to stall or stop completely, mom can get too tired and not be able to finish, or she can suffer from uterine inertia or even a ruptured uterus. Most of the time things go smoothly. It's just best to be there in case she needs you.