Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > Bitch reluctant to stay with puppies

Bitch reluctant to stay with puppies

18 13:27:00

Hi my 4 year old labrador has 7 puppies 3 days old, she had 2 naturally and
then 5 by c-section. I would like to know if it is normal for her to want to be
with us in the house rather than with her puppies in the whelping box.  She is
happy to nurse her puppies and clean them but once they are settled again
she leaves them until we take her back in.  Please help me keep sane.  My
husband thinks I am worrying for no reason but I can't help it.  She is such a
lovely natured bitch and I thought she would want to be with them more than
she does.  Many thanks

Hi. Some new moms who had to have a section act this way. Also, if the mom is super close to her humans, she may also act this way. As long as she's not agressive towards them, and will feed and care for them, then that may be the best you're going to get. They don't all make great mothers. Just make sure that there is some type of warmth in the box with the puppies, you have to keep them warm at this age. Good luck!