Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > Preg


18 13:48:50

My grandaughter got a mini poodle from the SPCA shelter . around two weeks later we thouht she was preg. Well there is no longer any doubt. since we do not know the exact day or were she got preg. could tell us how many weeks a preg lasts and what would some signs of birth to watch for. thank you for the information  

Hi Bertha,

I'm surprised the shelter would place a pregnant female.  But regardless, a pregnancy last 64 days. What I would do is take her to the vet and have them x-ray her.  You are  x-raying not only to confirm pups but also to see skull sizes.  You have to assume that she didn't mate with a poodle and the size of pups could cause complications leading to a c-section.

Good luck.