Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > boxer mother just had pups

boxer mother just had pups

18 13:30:19

QUESTION: my boxer has just had 11 pup and 1 just died.In order to keep up with their weight what can i use to weigh them?And I keep her and the babies in the a kennel big enough to nurse them with two heaters spaced out to give them some warmth.Is this set up ok? Or do I need to get them a warmer place to stay?

ANSWER: HI Tony. I would definitely get them somewhere warmer. I'm not sure where you live, but it's cold here.:-) Newborns have to be kept warm to live, and if a space heater fails, so do the pups. You can use a baby weight to weigh them, or even a food weigh thingie if you have one. I believe you can get them at Wal-Mart. You need something that weighs in grams when they're this little. Good lick!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Is it normal for her to lose a few pups ?

It's normal in that many breeders do end up losing a puppy or two, but it depends on the reason why the pups are dying. Is mom not taking good care of them, or laying on them? Is something wrong with mom's milk, are they not getting enough milk? Are they being kept warm enough, cold WILL kill them there an infectiong going on that you may not know about? There's many reason's why puppies die, most can be prevented. How many has she lost?