Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > female 6lbs8oz

female 6lbs8oz

18 11:59:01

My female 2yrs old has mate and they locked several times by my male 11mths old, how can I tell how many pups she's having i figure she's due March 7th.

Egads. A 11 month old stud dog? I am assuming that this is an accidental breeding.

You cannot tell yet how many puppies she is having. 5 days before her due date you can bring her to a veterinarian and have an X ray taken. This will give you a count. Otherwise, before her uterus gets too large, you can bring her to the veterinarian and have her spayed. There are many puppies and dogs dying in shelters, there's no need to produce more ill conceived puppies.
