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Chihuahua C-Section

18 13:30:41

I just took my dog to have a C-Section in Tijuana because it was all I could afford, what am I supposed to do to make sure that she is ok?

Hi Chinuahuacruz.  I hope that your Chihuahua is responding well after having her C-Section.  I would keep a close eye on her temp.  The normal temperature for dogs is between 101 - 102.5  If her temp rises above 103 I would seek medical assistance for her.

I would also make sure she gets plenty of water, and that she is eating well.  If you do not see any symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea temperature above 103, shaking, or lack of energy, then she should be recovering well.

How are the puppies?  How many did she have?

Good luck, and please do not hesitate to contact me if you have additional questions.  I want to apologize for the delay in responding to your questions.  I am having some work done at my home, this weekend, and they accidently cut my internet cable lines.

Penny DiLoreto