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pitbull in distress labor

18 13:38:18

QUESTION: I have a pitbull which i believe is in labor she has the signs of dark blood and i recently read that i may have to help her in case the puppy is caught in the birth canal now i tried putting my hand up there to see but im not sure if im doing it right i can not afford a vet what should i do?

ANSWER: You say she's bleeding before the birth of the first puppy? That's not good. You can call around and see if you can find a vet that will take payments, explain the situation. There are some out there that will help you. I am going to give you a web site that will better explain to you on how to assist your girl. There's pictures that will show you how to do it the right way. I hope everything's ok.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: It seems that she has gotten smaller could she have possibly had the puppies already because the black dark thick discharge has stopped or it isn't coming out as much  and she still seems to be acting normal as far as eating,drinking,playing etc? Can the puppies be still stuck in there? How can we tell?

Is there any way that she could've hid somewhere and had her puppies? I honestly feel that this girl needs o get to the vet. If there are puppies in side of her, something's not right, and there's nothing that you can do to get them out. I'd take her to the vet so he can figure out what's going on here. You'll have to do it soon though, if you want to save any of the puppies (if she's still pregnant) I hope everything's ok.